Great Blue Heron Sunning

This amazing photo of a Great Blue Heron sunning itself was captured by Jennifer McClary.

Bald Eagle

These two striking pictures of a Bald Eagle were submitted by Jennifer McClary.

Bald Eagle

Bird Silhouettes on Feeders

This lovely image of a variety of bird silhouettes on feeders was taken by Jennifer McClary.

Female Belted Kingfisher

Jennifer McClary also captured the above photo of a female Belted Kingfisher, and the one below of the Capitol and a rainbow...

Capitol and Rainbow

Chestnut-backed Chickadee with Inchworm 1

These 2 great and unusual photos of a Chestnut-backed Chickadee gobbling a green inchworm were captured by Tanya Nozawa.

Chestnut-backed Chickadee with Inchworm 2

Chestnut-backed Chickadee leaving nestbox

Here's a nice in-flight shot of a Chestnut-backed Chickadee parent leaving their nestbox. Photo by Tanya Nozawa.
 Chestnut-backed Chickadee in birdbath

This chickadee in a birdbath looks a bit like a little rubber ducky. Photo by Tanya Nozawa.

Raccoon Yawning

Tanya Nozawa's resident raccoon looks a little too comfortable here...

Raccoon at birdbath it does here, drinking from a bird bath and showing you its big, beautiful eyes.

Band-tailed Pigeon

Speaking of visiting wildlife which can eat a LOT of food, here is a fine-looking Band-tailed Pigeon, courtesy of Tanya Nozawa.

Goldfinch Pair

Here Tanya captured a Goldfinch pair, resting near a matching finial.

Female Rufous Hummingbird at feeder

Nice rear-end view of a Female Rufous Hummingbird hovering at a feeder, by Tanya Nozawa.

Western Bluebird Pair

A very few customers actually do have Western Bluebirds, outside of town, as these 3 photos by Trina Young prove.

Western Bluebird Nestlings

Here's a cute shot by Trina Young of the Western Bluebird nestlings.

Western Bluebird juvenile

This picture nicely shows what a Western Bluebird fledgling looks like.

Blackbird Fight 1

This awesome photo -- and the one below -- were captured by Dan Ready. They show a female Yellow-headed Blackbird (not as common in our area) battling a male Red-winged Blackbird, probably over territory.

Blackbird Fight 2

Bewick's Wren Nest with 3 Eggs

Bill Hansen is a successful Bewick's Wren landlord again, and has submitted these photos. The above shows the nest when it had 3 eggs. It eventually had 5, but appears that one didn't hatch.

Wren Nesting Box

This is the Wren Nesting Box with the nest inside.

Bewick's Wren Nestlings

This nice shot shows the four nestlings getting their feathers in slowly, and resting peacefully, while below it appears it is DINNER TIME!

Bewick's Wren Neslings with Open Mouths

House Finch Pair

This lovely photo of a House Finch pair was taken by Jennifer McClary.

Female Red-winged Blackbird

This lovely photo gives a good look at a female Red-winged Blackbird. Courtesy of Dan Ready.

Male Golden-crowned Sparrow

A great shot of the black stripe right below the gold on a male Golden-crowned Sparrow. Photo by Dan Ready.

Male White-crowned Sparrow

Dan Ready also captured this shot of a male White-crowned Sparrow.